Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Roasted Garlic and Tomato Pasta with Spinach and Parmesan Sauce

   Were you afraid that I fell off the face of the earth? Ate myself into a crappy food coma? Well I might have lost touch with my blogging, but I have been occasionally updating the "A Kinder Katie"  Facebook page with a few treats. But other than that, my adorable son seems to be sucking the life (I mean energy) right out of me these days. Thankfully I have a great healthy food base in my mealtime repertoire that I've been able to keep my energy level in checks most days.

   Actually I'm lying. I inject coffee into my veins, scarf down salads, and pray that those two things will sustain me until my husband comes home from work and I get an extra set of eyes to keep tabs on my son. That's when I get to cook gems like this.

   As you already know, I like to keep things simple yet tasty. I also like to make sure that I use up whatever vegetables, etc that I have in my fridge. So seeing as how I needed to pick up our weekly CSA today, I decided to create this pasta dish using leftover tomatoes and spinach. I roasted the tomatoes with some butter, garlic, and onions and then eventually added some freshly dried oregano. I then created an almost pesto but-not really-pesto sauce with the spinach, olive oil and Parmesan cheese. I then tossed the sauce with some whole wheat spaghetti and topped it with the tomato mixture with some grated Pecorino Romano on top.

   This Recipe is really going to be "use your own measurements" depending on the portions you want. However I will tell you what ingredients I used. I made a nice big batch for roughly four people, or enough for dinner and lunch for two people:

1 8 oz container organic grape tomatoes, halved
1 medium Vidalia onion
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 Tablespoons Soy Free Earth Balance (or Butter if you prefer)
2 tablespoons freshly dried oregano
1 cup frozen organic spinach, chopped
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
2 Tablespoons EVOO
1/2 box 100% whole wheat spaghetti ( I use Hodgsons Mill which also has a great Gluten Free line)
Pecorino Romano to taste

Sauté tomatoes, garlic, and onion with butter until tender. Add dried oregano once cooked. Warm olive oil, frozen spinach and Parmesan cheese in a separate pan. Cook spaghetti according to directions on box (boiling water, pasta, and a little salt). Toss pasta with spinach/cheese mixture and top with tomatoes/onions. Throw a little Pecorino Romano on top if you like ,which I do and I did : )

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