Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Kinder Katie's Guide to GMO's and Pesticides

Why Purchase Non-GMO and Organic foods?

   The number one reason to avoid GMO, preservatives, artificial colors, dyes, sweeteners, and pesticides in food is your health. The long term effects of constant exposure to the above mentioned items are still unknown however they have been linked to infertility, behavioral issues such as hyperactivity and insomnia, immune system compromise, asthma, allergies, and antibiotic resistance. While that list is not all inclusive, it is troubling to say the least. It is most important to avoid these ingredients in children as they are more suspectible to the harmful side effects that they may cause.

GMO Crops/ Ingredients to Avoid: (An estimated 90% of all crops listed below are from GMO seeds. Unless specifically labeled as Non-GMO certified or Organic, assume ingredients below are GMO and avoid.

Sugar Beets
Dairy (Fed GMO Grains/ rBST growth hormones)
Sugar Beets

Artificial Ingredients to avoid:

FD& C Colors Sulfites BHT Hydrogentated Fats/Oils
Sucralose Nitrites Monosodium Glutamate Bleached Flour
Aspartame Nitrates Calcium disodium EDTA BVO
Acesulfame K Sodium Benzoate TBHQ Olestra
Saccharin BHA High Fructose Corn Syrup Parabens

   This is not an expansive list but rather the most commonly found ingredients listed on packaged goods. But remember, I am not an advocate of processed foods by any means as you may know by now. But if you are looking for healthier options, start by avoiding these ingredients and check out some of my recipes! You are sure to find whole, natural ingredients used in each one!

Pesticides may be applied in the form of wax post harvest in the following produce:

Apples Lemons Pineapples
Avocados Limes Pumpkins
Bell Peppers Melons Rutabagas
Cantaloupes Oranges Squashes
Cucumbers Parsnips Sweet Potatoes
Eggplants Passion Fruits Tomatoes
Grapefruits Peaches Turnips

   Most waxes are added to prevent spoiling of food during transportation. Although wax alone may not pose a health risk, it is often combined with pesticides or fungicides. Since it is unknown what combination of wax is present on your produce, and it is impossible to wash the wax off, it may be prudent to avoid the items listed above unless purchasing organic. When in doubt, feel your produce for that slimy wax coating and avoid if possible.

How to shop for produce using PLU label:

1.) A four digit number = conventional produce using pesticides
2.) A five digit number = Organic

Please note that PLU Labeling is optional so it may not be the best identifier.When in doubt, prioritize your budget and purchase 100% organic or in accordance to the chart listed below.

 *Listed from highest (1.) to least (49.) amount of pesticides in the Top 50 produce items

Highest Least
1.)    Apple 11.) Blueberries (D) 21.) Carrots 31.) Cauliflower 41.) Eggplant
2.)    Celery 12.) Potatoes 22.) Raspberries 32.) Papaya( GMO) 42.) Mango
3.)    Sweet Bell Peppers 13.) Kale/Collard Greens 23.) Summer Squash 33.) Plums (D) 43.) Asparagus
4.)    Peaches 14.) Cherries 24.) Oranges 34.) Winter Squash 44.) Sweet Peas (Frozen)
5.)    Strawberries 15.) Hot Peppers 25.) Broccoli 35.) Mushrooms 45.) Cabbage
6.)    Nectarines (I) 16.) Pears 26.) Green Onions 36.) Watermelon 46.) Avocado
7.)    Grapes 17.) Nectarines (D) 27.) Bananas 37.) Grapefruit 47.) Pineapple
8.)    Spinach 18.) Green Beans 28.) Honeydew Melon 38.) Sweet Potatoes 48.) Sweet Corn (GMO)
9.)    Lettuce 19.) Plums (I) 29.) Tomatoes 39.) Canteloupe (D) 49.) Onions
10.)  Cucumbers 20.) Blueberries (I) 30.) Canteloupe (I) 40.) Kiwi
(I) = Imported (D) = Domestic

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