Saturday, December 22, 2012

Quinoa Un-Fried Non-Rice

   As a stay at home mom who makes all of her family's food, including my son from the day he was able to eat solid food, I am reminded of how fulfilling it can be to prepare a healthy, nutritious meal. I am also reminded at how much work it is, how many loads of dishes I have to do, and how great it would be to have my own personal chef.

I'm kidding about the personal chef part, I would however like a personal dishwasher......

  Likewise, I know all too well the feeling of having a long day settling in and not wanting to prepare dinner. Take-out is not only easier, but there are less dishes! But the problem with take-out is that it is rarely healthy, costly, and you have no idea what type of ingredients were used or how it was prepared. So in my home, I always try to re-create "take-out meals" with my own healthy twist.

   This quinoa dish is no exception. It is simple and easy to make, has a lot of flavor, yet has zero MSG, is low sodium, and is a veggie/grain powerhouse. It is a great alternative to fried rice. Quinoa is a complete protein that contains plenty of fiber, calcium, iron, phosphorous, snd magnesium. It also is a great alternative for those who have lactose or gluten sensitivities.

    The best part about this dish is that you can add in whatever type of  vegetables you would like. Just make sure they are organic (See the EWG dirty dozen list of pesticides in food here) Broccoli, snow peas, chopped brussel sprouts, and even kale would all be great to toss in as well.

   This dish also contains turmeric which is a spice that is used in curry powder seasonings and which is also commonly used to provide the coloring for mustard. It has been linked to having anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that help to fight inflammation and may help with a number of diseases.


1 cup dry organic quinoa
2 Tblsp unrefined Virgin Coconut Oil
1 onion, diced
1 garlic clove, chopped
4 celery stalks, chopped
4 carrot stalks, chopped
2 1/2 cups organic low sodium chicken broth ( or vegetable ) I use Pacific Foods
1/4 tsp sea salt
1 tsp turmeric


In a saute pan, combine coconut oil, onion, carrot, and celery. Cook for several minutes on medium heat. Add in quinoa, chicken broth, sea salt, and turmeric. Cover pan and simmer for ten minutes, occassionally stirring. You may need to add additional water until quinoa is cooked. You will be able to tell the quinoa is cooked when the shell of the grain separates and appears "fluffy".
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