Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bittersweet Cacao Fudge w/ Coconut, Almonds, and Cranberries

   Holy Fudge Balls! I've been eating this fudge for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Which is sooooooooooooo not like me. But c'mon! Its the holidays! And I'm still a good girl by eating my veggies and using proper food pairings (have you checked out my post on food combining yet?) when I can! So cut a b*tch some slack!

   I'm kidding. I haven't really gone that overboard. But that's only because my husband grabs dibs on it before I can pry his big old paws off it anyways. Dont mess with my man and his chocolate!

   This recipe is definitely a healthier, lower sugar version than your typical fudge. It is not my masterpiece creation (that one is still to come), but I thought I would still share it because it is delicious and I know how fun it can be to make sweets for friends and family for the holidays.

   So share on, double, triple, quadruple it for all you want. But please note it should freeze overnight and be stored likewise in either the refrigerator or freezer.

Recipe: Double recipe for sharing! This makes a small batch

1 bar 4oz Bittersweet 60% or higher Cacao Baking Bar
1/2 cup unsweetened almond coconut milk
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/2 cup roasted unsalted almonds
1/4 unsweetened organic coconut flakes


In a double boiler sauce pan (place water in pan with a glass bowl over it with cacao bar) heat cacao and almond coconut milk on low heat until completely  melted. Line a glass Pyrex dish with parchment paper. Toss dried cranberries and almonds into bottom of dish and disperse evenly. Cover cranberries and almonds with cacao mixture. Top with coconut flakes. Freeze overnight, upon which you can transfer to the refrigerator to store.
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