Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fresh Cranberry Juice

   I don't dig juice. My toddler son doesn't even drink it. Why drink juice that contains little actual fruit and is loaded with sugar? There's no point and it's a waste of calories. However, it is sometimes necessary to drink cranberry juice to cleanse your kidneys! And while I typically buy the overly expensive, all natural, no sugar added, concentrate cranberry juice (You know the brand, the kind that costs $9 and should never be drank without diluting with water) I decided that it was high time to make my own!

   So my version involves blending the whole cranberry with water and then straining out the foam. By using all natural Stevia (which has 0 calories, is from a plant, and has been around for hundreds of years ), it is still sugar free but you don't get the jaw cringing bitterness of the kind without added sugar. I even added a touch of cinnamon to mine to make it reminiscent of my all time favorite, Thanksgiving cranberry sauce. But unless you dig the sauce, skip the cinnamon.

And don't hate on my picture. I know it isn't pretty but it's the best you're gonna get under the circumstances with my house being torn up and renovated.


1 cup frozen cranberries
2 cups filtered water
1 packet or 1 tsp Stevia


1/2 tsp ground cinnamon


In a high powered blender, combine water, cranberries and Stevia until smooth. Using a strainer, remove foam from juice. Juice is best served immediately and with ice. If you are really adventurous, add in squeezed lime juice for extra Vitamin C.

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