Tuesday, July 10, 2012

CSA sounds great: Best Pac Choi Salad

   Pac Choi or Bok Choy in your CSA? Have no idea what to do with it other than add it to stir fry? Exactly. But if  I've learned anything from venturing into a semi-vegetarian state is that I dig greens raw. All greens except for maybe mustard greens. I cant handle those raw. But either way I try to use up everything I get from our CSA (or grocery store for that matter) in any way I can.

   This week was too much. Too much sun. Too much fun. You name it. So I had less than stellar ambition to be making dinner each night. Needless to say, this week's CSA rolled around with plenty left over for me to use up. I finished up most of the greens I had for our morning smoothie (If you ha vent read The Beauty Detox Solution by Kimberly Synder or tried her Glowing Green Smoothie yet then you are seriously missing out) but still had the Pac Choi left. Mind you, it's too hot to be heating up the kitchen with the AC on, so my usual stir fry was a no-go. Salad it is.
   Being an avid salad eater these days, I am always looking for new dressings, combinations, and medleys (for a lack of a better word). This salad is a no brainer. I created a Ginger-Tamari based dressing with Cayenne to kick up the digestive system a little. Be warned, if you like the typical sweet flavored out-of-a-bottle crap that you buy from the store, don't bother making my dressing. This is the real deal. Kinda-sniffling-need-to-wipe-your-nose type of dressing. I felt renewed after eating.
Until I ate this dish. But whatever.


2 full Pac Choi, de-stemmed and sliced horizontally
1 orange, quartered
1/4 cup roasted pumpkin seeds
1/4 freshly chopped chives ( from your garden!)
1 Tablespoon Organic Tamari
1 Tablespoon Balsamic Vinegar
2 Tablespoons EVOO
1 teaspoon ground Ginger
1 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
De-stem and chop Pac Choi after washing. Toss in Pumpkin Seeds, chives, and cut orange. Combine above ingredients for dressing and toss over salad.
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