Friday, July 13, 2012

CSA Sounds great: Roasted Turnips and Radishes

   Each week I am more impressed with the farm we chose for our CSA. The vegetables are not only organic and fresh but they look and taste great. However the only down side is that during the summer months I am not all that enthusiastic about cooking indoors. Normally I like to really mix it up with my vegetables and add them where I can to different dishes. But when it's hot and sticky and I get lazy you can bet your a$$ my husband has the local pizza joint on speed dial (Yes, half the time I enjoy making my own organic pizza dough and meals from scratch but C'mon's summer!) Besides there are only so many salads a girl can take a day.

  Regardless, I started out my CSA share sauteing all of the radishes I received with coconut oil, salt and pepper and topping them onto different salads. But that got old real quick. I also used to make a mean turnip-au-gratin that was a surefire hit with the husband. However being boring was not in my plan when we signed up for this CSA, so I was determined to find different ways to put these veggies to good use.

Welp, Roasted Turnips/Radishes it is! And mind you, this recipe is super easy yet mind blowing! I vaguely recall the first time I made these where I was standing at the piping hot dish not letting my husband within ten feet of the stove without wanting to stab a fork at his hand to back off. And truthfully, this is where eating healthy food and enjoying it really comes in. When I think of this dish and compare it to say potato chips or ice cream, both tasty items by themselves, the turnips would win hands down. And yes, they are just as satisfying.


5 medium to small summer turnips, sliced thinly
5 medium to small radishes, sliced thinly
1 small shallot, diced
2 Tablespoons Soy Free Earth Balance Butter plus more for adding to dish
Sea Salt
Cracked Black Pepper
1 Tablespoon Thyme

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Saute Shallots with butter until tender. Slice Radish/ Turnips thinly. Toss with sea salt, black pepper, and thyme. Add in Shallot mixture. Transfer to glass Pyrex dish. Add additional slivers of butter to mixture to provide flavor during cooking. Bake for roughly 20 minutes or until tender.
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