Friday, August 3, 2012

CSA Sounds Great : Zucchini and Squash UN-Lasagna with Bison

   Zucchini and Summer Squash. Summer garden staples that I refused to plant in my own garden. Total zero in the flavor category according to my taste buds. Ever wonder why people with their own gardens are always giving them away and saying, " Oh we just grew too much this year!" It's crap. They just realized that there are so few ways to enjoy either of them and they don't want to eat them either! Don't fall for it!

   However if you do find yourself in some strange zucchini and summer squash loving category, I recommend trying them in a lasagna, UN-lasagna, or even chili. The version I am writing about here is the UN-lasagna but I've made all the above versions and they are equally delicious and deceptive enough to make you forget what you are really eating! I call them my chameleon foods because they end up taking on the flavor of the dish you are making. Which is totally what I'm going for.

   This version is among the easiest I've made so that's why I'm recommending it the most. This is not a vegetarian version however so I'm not sure how good it would be without meat. I have made my own version of a vegetarian lasagna that would be better. Hopefully I can get around to posting that some other time though. Feel free to go with the flow either way and jazz it up yourself if you'd like.

The key to this UN- Lasagna is to saute the summer squash and zucchini first and to drain them of their liquids afterwards. Otherwise it becomes too watery and makes a mess of the dish. You will need to brown the Bison meat as well so it is fully cooked and not creating a juicy runny mess either. Next, top it with some spaghetti sauce (kudos to you if you are using homemade, I don't have enough tomatoes in my garden yet). Then cover it with shredded Pecorino Romano or Organic Shredded Mexican Cheese and pop it in the oven for 25-30 minutes.

This dish is so easy to make and it's a great way to get a dose of your daily veggie intake! Or should I say it's a great way to use up those veggies that your neighbor pawned off on you so "generously" without wanting to vomit.


1 large Organic Zucchini, washed and diced into small cubes
2 large Organic Summer Squash, washed and diced into small cubes
1 lb All Natural Bison Meat or Grass fed Beef ( No hormones, antibiotics EVER- that's the key phrase to look for)
1 jar Organic Tomato Sauce ( I use Newmans Own Tomato Basil Sauce)
1 cup shredded Pecorino Romano Cheese or Organic Mexican Shredded Cheese
Sea Salt and Cracked Black Pepper to taste


Saute Zucchini and Summer Squash until soft. Drain liquid and toss with sea salt and black pepper. Add to bottom of Pyrex Dish.
Brown Bison Meat until juices run clear. Drain Liquid and layer on top of zucchini and summer squash.
Add and spread entire jar of tomato sauce over the Bison next. Top sauce with cheese.
Bake at 400 degrees in oven for 25-30 minutes or until Cheese is bubbly, brown and delicious.

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