Thursday, December 27, 2012

Southwest Quinoa Salad

   It may be winter, but I am sure not acting like it! I am still enjoying fresh salads over hearty stews at this point. I really enjoy the art of creating dishes with perfectly combined flavor medleys that incorporate readily available ingredients from my refrigerator. I wasted so much food when I was younger by not using produce in time before it spoiled. But no more wasted food here! Even the food scraps get composted! Talk about a total 360 degrees from years ago.

   Although I am not currently doing much for the environment by not purchasing my produce seasonally at this point. It's a total catch though as my local supermarket has such a limited organic produce section and I have to make due with those circumstances.

 A girl has to eat.

 And she has to eat organic.

 Remember my slogan....Pesticide free is the way to be!

C'mon, I know you love it.....

   Cilantro is the main flavor profile in this dish and it one of my personal favorites. It is a herb that contains an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory composition that helps to lower blood sugar and cholesterol. It also contains a higher level of anti-oxidants that help to fight against free radicals than when in seed form, which is also known as coriander.

   So if buying produce seasonally is your thing, save this recipe for the summer time when bell peppers, cucumbers, and fresh cilantro are at their peak. But if you are like me and are limited in your organic selection, check out the recipe below!


 * Side Note: By doubling this recipe and using the whole vegetable you will have plenty of leftovers however you will need to add additional lime juice upon serving for a fresh flavor *

1/2 organic red bell pepper, chopped
1/4 organic cucumber, peeled and chopped
1/2 cup frozen organic corn, soaked in a cup of water to defrost
1/2 avocado, diced into cubes
1 small handful fresh cilantro
1/2 cup dry quinoa
1 1/2 cups filtered water
1/2 lime, freshly squeezed
1/8 tsp ground cumin
Cracked black pepper
Sea salt


1.) On stove-top, combine dry quinoa and water in a pot. Boil on high heat until water has been absorbed and quinoa has separated and looks fluffy.
2.) Wash and prepare bell pepper, cucumber, and cilantro.
3.)  Cut avocado in half. Remove seed. Using a knife, vertically cut avocado into 1/4 strips. Cut horizontally again into 1/4 strips. Remove chunks and set aside.
4.) Toss cooked quinoa, bell pepper, cilantro, and cucumber with lime and cumin. Add cracked black pepper and sea salt to taste.
5.) Top salad with avocado chunks.

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