Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Spicy Pumpkin Mac n Cheese (GF Free) w/ Kale

   Do you like to read food blogs? Of course you do, you're reading the best one! Hahaha. Who am I kidding? People actually make a living off these things. They get real fancy with pictures and
typeset and lots of cooking knowledge and even attend blogger conventions( or so I've read).

   I, on the other hand do none of those things. I can't stand to read half of them. They are overly in I don't care what your husband, child,or dogs name is. And for the love of all that is good and holy, learn some brevity of speech.

   But kudos to them. I'm all for people doing what makes them happy. I just don't have that kind of time. So luckily for you, you get a sweet half assed version of a spectacular food blog, all courtesy of the spare energy I find while Nug takes a nap. You can thank me anytime......


Please note that while this recipe is spicy, the quality of your spices really does make a difference. I started using Simply Organic and have noticed that I can use much less than regular spices bought at the average grocery store. So if spicy isn't your thing, switch out the chili powder and cayenne and add in 1-2 tsp Paprika.

1 box 8 oz Quinoa Pasta Shells ( or quinoa, millet, or any other gluten free grain)
1 tablespoon coconut butter ( or Soy Free Earth Balance)
3 garlic cloves, chopped
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast ( or GF flour)
1 cup unsweetened almond coconut milk
1 cup Pecorino Romano
1/4 tsp chili powder
1/8 tsp cayenne powder
1/4 tsp sea salt
1 cup or about 1/2 can organic pumpkin
Cracked black pepper
1 cup chopped fresh kale


1.) Cook Pasta accordingly. Water, a pinch of salt, and pasta people! Drain and set aside.

2.) In a saute pan, combine coconut butter and chopped garlic cloves. Simmer on medium heat until bubbly and slightly brown.

3.) Add in Tablespoon Nutritional Yeast and stir until it absorbs the butter. Be careful to ensure you are quickly stirring it at this point, as it will burn quickly.

4.) Pour almond coconut milk, Pecorino, spices, and salt into mixture and whisk briefly. Add in canned pumpkin and whisk until there are no clumps and sauce begins to thicken.

5.) Toss in drained pasta and chopped kale. Lightly season with cracked black pepper. Serve with additional Pecorino if necessary.

Additionally, you could add slightly sauteed onions, cherry tomatoes, or additional vegetables to make this dish even healthier!

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