Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cherry Cacao Chia Seed Smoothie

   This smoothie is perfect for a post yoga sweat session. And if you are feeling extra lazy today and can't quite get yourself to move off that couch, use this as your motivation! By all means, bribe yourself with a healthy treat if it gets you to keep moving! Because as great as exercising is for your health, it is even better for your mind. Nothing quite releases the frustration and tension you may feel after a long day like a yoga session or a few miles on the treadmill can. It's essential to your mental and emotional well being. And if you don't have the foundation of a calm mental or emotional state, your health will suffer. So go on and work it girl. (or guy)

   And since you've worked so hard physically, use this smoothie as a great way to repair those muscles you just worked so hard to build. This smoothie pairs almond milk (check out my homemade recipe ),chia seeds, dark cherries, stevia, and raw cacao powder to form a delicious treat that is free of processed sugar and dairy.

   Chia Seeds are an amazing source of omega fatty acids, calcium (they contain a whopping 20% of your daily intake in just 3 Tbsp) fiber, protein, and anti-oxidants. So ditch the dairy folks, because there's no need for that mucous forming, calcium leaching, beauty robbing crap in this recipe. And don't believe the hype that smoothies containing yogurt will help you lose weight. Sure, the protein will help you feel full, but so will plant-based sources of protein like chia seeds. Not to mention combining dairy with fruit will cause toxic build-up and fermentation in your digestive system because they combine poorly together.

Which will result in excess weight...

Do you see where I'm going with this...?

Enough with the lecture. Just make the damn smoothie and enjoy every last sip.

Because it's that good.


2 cups almond milk
1 cup frozen organic dark cherries
3 Tbsp chia seeds (soaked in 1/3 cup water for 20 minutes to form a gel)
1 Tbsp raw cacao powder
1 packet stevia or 1 tsp


1.) In a small cup, combine 3 Tbsp chia seeds in 1/3 cup water for 20 minutes. The chia seeds will expand and absorb the water to form a gel.

2.) Once chia seeds have formed into a gel, combine them with almond milk, cherries, cacao powder, and stevia in a blender.

3.) Blend on high until smooth. Store remaining in a glass jar for up to 3 days in the refrigerator. ( But really, why would you have any leftover??)

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  1. funny, I'm sitting here eating something similar and then I stumbled on this blog. I did frozen dark cherries, chia seeds, whole organic cacao nibs, coconut water and honey! maybe the almond milk will help give it a creamier texture, I'll have to try that next time!

  2. So yummy! The almond milk def gives it that creaminess. Soaking the chia seeds helps to thicken it up as well! I've made it with red raspberries and strawberries too. I feel like the cacao nibs just don't break down as well as the powder. But I've got some I need to use up soon so maybe I will whip up a new recipe. Let me know what you think when you try this one out!
